"Coaching Hostesses to ROCK STAR Parties"
How One Hostess Can Lead You To Hundreds
Your blueprint to attracting $1,000-$2,000 Parties!
Everyone that attends the webinar LIVE will receive my
FREE Resource Outline on Coaching Hostesses to Rock Star Parties
FREE Resource Outline on Coaching Hostesses to Rock Star Parties
Two times to register on Wednesday, November 4th:
Can't attend? Register and receive the replay!
Wed., Nov. 4th - Early Webinar
10:30 am PT/11:30 am MT/12:30 pm CT/1:30 pm ET
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10:30 am PT/11:30 am MT/12:30 pm CT/1:30 pm ET
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Wed., Nov. 4th - Late Webinar
5:30 pm PT/6:30 pm MT/7:30 pm CT/8:30 pm ET
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5:30 pm PT/6:30 pm MT/7:30 pm CT/8:30 pm ET
(Timezone Converter)
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What Will You Take Away From Our Webinar?
The #1 reason
why guests don’t book parties, especially those extraordinary guests. In fact, I’ll share with you what most direct seller’s do that turn new hostesses off. What’s disappointing is that’s what most of us has been taught and it just doesn’t work.
why guests don’t book parties, especially those extraordinary guests. In fact, I’ll share with you what most direct seller’s do that turn new hostesses off. What’s disappointing is that’s what most of us has been taught and it just doesn’t work.
The inside scoop on how to create extraordinary experiences. The key to success is to capitalize on what your competitors don’t do. If you want to attract extraordinary hostesses that know extraordinary guests, you must give extraordinary. I can’t wait to share this part with you.
Listen Carefully:
The days of sending out cheesy postcard invitations or expecting your hostess to call 35 guests and get EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS are over. There are unique ways of inviting guests that make it easy and engage guests to come. I’ll train you how to use technology to your advantage. This alone will double or triple your party average.
The days of sending out cheesy postcard invitations or expecting your hostess to call 35 guests and get EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS are over. There are unique ways of inviting guests that make it easy and engage guests to come. I’ll train you how to use technology to your advantage. This alone will double or triple your party average.
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Content Copyright Lifeline Coaching & Education, Inc. | www.LifelineCoaches.com